Getting the argument right: Phil Collins and the art of speechwriting
Take me to your cranberry morpheme

Writing for non-copywriters

'Words that Sell' was a conference in Bournemouth on 18 May 2012, organised by Brian Jenner of the UK Speechwriters' Guild, and Richard Spencer of A Thousand Monkeys - both of whom did a great job.








I ran a session called 'Copywriting for non-copywriters'.  Here's a slide version:

Download UKSWG_Copywriting_slides_slideshare_v1

Actually, one of the interesting insights of a very insightful day was that the word 'copywriting' seems to be becoming rather old-fashioned.  We're all writers now, as Sarah McCartney noticed.  (She's decided to call herself a scribe - good idea.) 

Lots more interesting ideas at the conference; I'll try to cover more of them in future posts.


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